Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Whilst reading this post please imagine violin music playing!!!

Oh dear I have hardly had time lately to breathe , last week was supposed to be our new start , I got a great new job and got tough with little man with his sleeping and I was so positive about moving forward and getting us sorted and then it all began to go wrong!

So the first day of my new job was OK, I had been so excited to get out of the call centre and start this job doing something I love, no more shifts just plain old 9 til 5 Monday to Friday...... except I do not fit in at all at the new place so it seems! The people so far are not friendly at all and it is very uncomfortable to be there, however I thought this is a hurdle I can get over and so the killing them with kindness mission began, I am now in the second week and my smile is fading, its lonely not having a team to talk to and get involved these guys are going to be tough cookies to crack , so any tips on making buddies are welcome!! I have never had this problem before!!!
Next I found out that the new place gets paid mid month and guess what everyone...... I started on payday!!! So I have no wage this month and my massive nursery fees, rent, car insurance and all the other bills are due to be paid on Thursday!!! Nightmare what the heck am I gunna do??? I could cry!!!
To make matters worse this week me and my boyfriend been struggling we both have kids and we don't live together and sometimes when I need some TLC or support from him he doesn't seem to have enough left to give after worrying about his own situation (can anyone hear my violin playing yet).

On a more positive note my little man has slept in his own room and has only woken once a night for the last 3 nights am sooo chuffed it has only taken 3 and a half years!!! I just desperately hope he keeps it up as everything is easier to tackle when you have had sleep!!

So everyone in a nutshell it has been a rubbish week n a bit but I refuse to give in , I will go to work full time and earn my own money and I will overcome the hostilities at work, I will try harder with my man to fit into his life better and not depend so much on his emotional back up , but I would welcome any suggestions on sorting my money crisis out for the next month or so , guess a birthday drink at the weekend is off the cards!!!

I promise my next post will be bright, positive and funny when I have found myself again!! xx

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